giovedì 25 ottobre 2007


Comunicato stampa

Di Pietro attapirato: l'usciere di via Arenula conferma che è ignorante

L'usciere di via Arenula, dopo le dichiarazione del ministro Di Pietro a Striscia la Notizia, conferma che l'ex Pm di manipulite “è ignorante e attapirato, e che non conosce il diritto”.

“Come fa il Guardasigilli – si chiede l'usciere del dicastero della Giustizia – a correre dal Giudice dal momento che nessuno, tranne le cronache dei giornali, gli ha notificato niente di niente. Di cosa si dovrebbe scusare e su che cosa dovrebbe dare spiegazioni?”

2 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

The first son of italian minister of justice CLEMENTE MASTELLA, named Pellegrino Mastella, was betrayed by his wife Alessia Camilleri while she was spending her holidays in August 2007 on the boat of Mastella's friend Diego Della Valle, famous as patch-shoes seller. Alessia Camilleri, wife of Pellegrino Mastella, was fucked by the son of Diego Della Valle on his own boat when Pellegrino Mastella was still in the Ministry of Production in Rome where he works as useless and very salary-earner clerk.
Alessia Camilleri had moved off some days before with her parents-in-law, Clemente Mastella and his mature mistress Sandra Lonardo. All three sailed from Capri and went to Eolian Islands on the barge of the patch-shoes maker Diego Della Valle.
Some days later, Pellegrino Mastella also reached his tribe at Lipari. When he arrived there, he found his wife Alessia Camilleri totally naked on the boat with Della Valle's son and he understood that they had copulated without his knowledge while he was in Rome.
After this surprise, Pellegrino Mastella decided to divorce at once while his father, mafia's boss Don Clemente, tried to not let be known this horny story in the italian reportings.
So Don Clemente Mastella from Ceppaloni decided to block italian media about the knowledge of his cuckold son Pellegrino Mastella.
Clemente Mastella, as cuckold-himself, is now trying to block all web sites of the most clever italian people because they could let known through all the world this great cuckold misadventure of his son Pellegrino which - at now - is still nearly unknown in Italy.
At the moment Alessia Camilleri has leaved the house where she was living with the son of "fat" Clemente Mastella in Rome and she went to live with patch-shoes maker Della Valle's son in another northern italian city.
Now we all know why mafious hack Clemente Mastella is attempting to introduce a new bad law in Italy to limit peoples' freedom of expression.

Anonimo ha detto...

strano che i "rossi" non l'abbiano commentata. Che non l'abbiano capita?