Blog satirico semiserio sulla supponente alterigia della
"sedicente creme della creme" di sinistra ... e non solo
lunedì 13 ottobre 2008
Foto inviata da ECCOMI
1 commento:
ha detto...
Making my penis bigger has actually taught me several things, on top of the fact that it is actually ultimately possibly and permanent, he said. The first is that penis sizegenetics surgery just isn't necessary. Surgery is costly, this is also very risky, even in cases the location where the procedure goes smoothly without any complications. Besides that, surveys have shown a lot of men that have gone under the knife aren't going to be pleased from the results.I also learned that pumps don't work. Their decided I wanted to start making my penis bigger, I bought a pump, and yes it wasn't a cheap one either.
Amo la satira, mi piace fare ironia sulla "crema della crema" (i comunisti).
I miei polli preferiti?
....i "ciuchi rossi".
Se vi faccio ridere anche per un solo secondo...ho raggiunto il mio scopo. La satira li spazzerà via.
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1 commento:
Making my penis bigger has actually taught me several things, on top of the fact that it is actually ultimately possibly and permanent, he said. The first is that penis sizegenetics surgery just isn't necessary. Surgery is costly, this is also very risky, even in cases the location where the procedure goes smoothly without any complications. Besides that, surveys have shown a lot of men that have gone under the knife aren't going to be pleased from the results.I also learned that pumps don't work. Their decided I wanted to start making my penis bigger, I bought a pump, and yes it wasn't a cheap one either.
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